Сервера OFF С1 Beta



разработчик L2J Fortress
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В России не только водку пить умеют.  


Молодец ! коротко и в точку...


Блин, ну если уж даёте ссылку, то точную надо... Там целый форум, по сборкам ничего....


а ты там поиском воспользуйся.....
ИМХО С уважением Guwer.  


SAM> 1. Русскоязычный форум http://la2.arena.ru/index.php
Интересный редирект на lineageii :)


разработчик L2J Fortress
На тебе точней http://forum.lineageii.ru/viewforum.php?f=26
а дальше поиск.
В России не только водку пить умеют.  


Вы канкретные крысы недбы сказать сразу вот бери пожалуйста С4 а вы крысы!!!фууууу

позор блин подохнут быстрее чем скажу де качать Мдя... вот народ пошол..


2DvD: Сей пост надо было постить на Lineage II - Goddess of Destruction | Now Truly Free ибо только у них есть то, что тебе надо :)

P.S. а еще, если подумать, ты вроде пару правил форума нарушил...
RU DarrrAngel #04.04.2006 12:17


А кто нибудь из-здешних делал ASp регистрацию для оффа?
У меня такая проблемка вышла нереальная,что когда открываешь страницу через удалёнку сыпется куча ошибок,а если локально то функции доступа к БД нечитаются,Это видно потому что код обозначения ввода информации виден на экране как текст.
Регу брал с Dark&Dragons.может она нерабочая?
Может есть у когонибудь рега на прожект С3 нормальная?
Нуб - это тот что много просит но ничего не предлагает.Не предлогайте мне яду,я давно помер,токо вот душа не даёт покоя.Надо в этой жизни сделать что то чвое.Например сервер ;)  


Это сообщение редактировалось 12.06.2008 в 11:05


Q. What's this?
A. This is 32bit Chaotic Chronicles - Interlude server files OPENSOURCED
This means that you can modify extender dll and AI as you wish

The main misunderstanding of difrerence between opensourced and closesourced
is main feature of them

closesourced project's (for example global NCSOFT server) main feature is ALL WORKING AS OFF
opensourced project's main feature is YOU CAN MAKE ALL TO WORK AS OFF

so closesourced projects must have all working
opensourced projects must have ability for developer to add any features he/she wish, even those like off

Q. Sources of extender are really included?
A. Yes, even some original l2server sources from NCSOFT

Q. Why it is not 64bit version?
A. You can find dozens of 64bit versions around, and only one 32bit version - this one. Now you have choice.
It is better to have choice, than not. Isn't?
It works on 64 bit too

Q. Which game clients it supports
All Interlude clients, (default support)
Special C6 client with modified Engine.dll
Special C5 client with modified Engine.dll
All C3, C4 clients
C2 client for testing purposes

Q. Where I can download this pack
1.server pack 96MB
[spoiler|СсылкаСсылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

2.client pack 75MB
Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

clientside update 99MB
Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

3.video 100MB
Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]


Q. What are minimal hardware requirements?
A. 2G processor, 2GB ram for partial load
4G processor (or dual 2G processors), 4GB (8GB better) ram for full load

Q. How to setup it?
A. Setup documentation can be found inside pack
Also you may need install Visual Studio 2008 distributive (runtime) for l2server
Search it in Microsoft site
PS. do not forget explore Elhaym.ini file before asking more questions
For full run:
Check for
1.external geodata files,

Q. Is this NOT full pack
A. There's NO geodata

Q. Who's true author of this pack
A. This is teamwork, so there's many different authors for different implementations

Q. Is this pack supports full functionality of Interlude
A. NO, but source is open to you for any your creativity.

Q. How about security issues of this pack
A. Exploits not related to hlapex are fixed. Also fixed serveral hlapex issues that was reported.
alternate Hlapex-fix software not included in this pack. Download it separately
Fyyre on PP sharing one already for free

Q. Where I can download client patch
A. Modified client files for this pack are provided inside this pack.
All other files can be found in the www.

There's list of project features

C1 Features that were not present in C1 client:

1. Ride - unknown devs; since C2
2. swiming - ncsoft; since C2
3. C5 territories, mobs, items - ncsoft; since C5
4. CP - mcrabben7; since C3
5. understandable ingame help - ncsoft; since C6(CT0)
6. World Collision - ncsoft; (not work in C4PTS)
7. c1 fishing system - ncsoft; since c1
8. autosoulshots - mcrabben7; since C3
9. eye twinkle - ncsoft; since c4
10. visible helmets - smeli; not in off
11. beginer dungeon maps - ncsoft; since C6(CT0)
12. alive NPCs - smeli; since C3
13. hairslot - unknown devs; since C3
14. friendly multisell - ncsoft; since C5
15. more pets - ncsoft; since C4
16. friendly enchant - ncsoft; since C4
17. friendly clan interface - ncsoft; since C3
18. friendly map - ncsoft; since C5
19. 3 skill lines - ncsoft; since C5
20. party buffs - corund; since C3
21. true freights - morte; since C6(CT0)
22. custom RecipeShop (dwarven manufacture) - smeli; not in off
23. ANTIGRINDING system - smeli; not in off
24. cursed weapons event - ncsof; since C5
25. c4 Augmentation system with C6 effects (also known as SA) - ncsoft; since c4
26. Ingame thieving - smeli; not in off
27. Flying ships - smeli; ncsoft; since CT2 part3
28. Dead body looting system - smeli; not in off
29. new privilegie "cwh withdraw" - smeli; not in off
30. some citizens pickup weapons and adena - smeli; not in off
31. old good Clan wars - ncsoft; till c4
32 Ally wars - ncsoft; till c4
33. c1 karma system - ncsoft; till c4
34. wyvern as a pet - PPdevs; not in off
35. fighting on wyverns and striders - PPdevs; not in off
36. custom herbs - smeli; since c6(CT0)
37. GMshops, buffers, teleporters - smeli;
38. custom TvT - Evern; since C3
39. exploit protection system - smeli, torune
....and many many other features.....

This release of 32bit Interlude server is the last one from me
Maybe sometimes I will come with several rare updates,
but in general this project is finished
Это сообщение редактировалось 05.01.2009 в 09:18


32b Gracia part2 server (related topic http://postpacific.com/showthread.php?t=11614)

Q. What's this?
A. This is 32bit Chaotic Throne server files OPENSOURCED
This means that you can modify extender dll and AI as you wish

Q. Sources of extender are really included?
A. Yes, even some original l2server sources from NCSOFT

Q. Why it is not 64bit version?
A. You can find dozens of 64bit versions around, and only one 32bit version - this one. Now you have choice.
It is better to have choice, than not. Isn't?
It works on 64 bit too

Q. Which game clients it supports
All Gracia part2 clients, (default support)
With correct ini - all Chaotic Throne english clients: Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia, Gracia part2

Q. Where I can download this pack
1.chaotic chronicle server pack 96MB [spoiler|СсылкаСсылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

2.client pack 38MB Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

3. client update pack 28MB Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

4. geodata http://postpacific.com/showthread.php?p=157841

Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

Q. What are minimal hardware requirements?
A. 2G processor, 2GB ram for partial load
4G processor (or dual 2G processors), 4GB (8GB better) ram for full load

Q. How to setup it?
A. Setup documentation can be found inside pack
Also you may need install Visual Studio 2008 distributive (runtime) for l2server
Search it in Microsoft site or inside pack - whatever suits you better
PS. do not forget explore Elhaym.ini file before asking more questions
For full run:
Check for
1.external geodata files,

Q. Is this NOT full pack
A. There's NO geodata. it in separate download

Q. Who's true author of this pack
A. This is teamwork, so there's many different authors for different implementations

Q. Is this pack supports full functionality of Gracia part2
A. NO, but source is open to you for any your creativity.

Q. How about security issues of this pack
A. Exploits not related to hlapex are fixed. Also fixed serveral hlapex issues that was reported.
alternate Hlapex-fix software not included in this pack. Download it separately
Fyyre on PP sharing one already for free

Q. Where I can download client patch
A. Modified client files for this pack are provided inside this pack.
All other files can be found in the www.

There's list of NEW features

C1 Features that were not present in C1 client:

1. new social action added for RP and nonRP players
2. new race available for RP players and GMs
(you cannot create this race character at creation screen, create darkelf first then ask authority for changing to kamael
for those who want play arthreas - the new race of CT4 - is recomended to create elf character)
3. rideable wolf is available for RP players and GMs
(for now you can obtain rideable wolf only from authorities using command "//create_pet 12"
new rideable pets of Gracia part3 will be available through commands "//create_pet 11" "//create_pet 10" "//create_pet 9"
note that equped weapns and shields will be displayed only in inventory while character in Ride mode)
4. Visible helmets, introduced in IL32b are finished now. Use client side update for them. Visible cloaks will be finished in Gracia part3
5. Fame field now shows PK count that was pardoned through C1 karma system
6. Pet buffs
7. Party pets
8. Vitality system

Known BUGS
1. GM view character info - not working at all. All other GM views work
for testing puposes there are new gm command //myinfo
2. After successfull creation of new character - disconnect form server. need login again.
After usuccessfull creation of new character - weird screens
Это сообщение редактировалось 09.02.2009 в 11:46


Gracia FINAL

Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]
Это сообщение редактировалось 09.02.2009 в 11:46


Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]


2.client pack 20MB Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]

Ссылка запрещена по требованию [показать]
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