Ни Sander, ни ArhAngel так и не ответили

Чего и можно было ожидать...
Названия всех квестов на 3-ью профу :
Human - 3rd Class Changes
Succession to the Legend, Dreadnought
Succession to the Legend, Duelist
Succession to the Legend, Phoenix Knight
Succession to the Legend, Hell Knight
Succession to the Legend, Adventurer
Succession to the Legend, Sagittarius
Succession to the Legend, Archmage
Succession to the Legend, Soultaker
Succession to the Legend, Arcana Lord
Succession to the Legend, Cardinal
Succession to the Legend, Hierophant
Elf - 3rd Class Changes
Succession to the Legend, Eva's Templar
Succession to the Legend, Sword Muse
Succession to the Legend, Wind Rider
Succession to the Legend, Moonlight Sentinel
Succession to the Legend, Mystic Muse
Succession to the Legend, Elemental Master
Succession to the Legend, Eva's Saint
Dark Elf - 3rd Class Changes
Succession to the Legend, Shillien Templar
Succession to the Legend, Spectral Dancer
Succession to the Legend, Ghost Hunter
Succession to the Legend, Ghost Sentinel
Succession to the Legend, Storm Screamer
Succession to the Legend, Spectral Master
Succession to the Legend, Shillien Saint
Orc - 3rd Class Changes
Succession to the Legend, Titan
Succession to the Legend, Grand Khavatari
Succession to the Legend, Dominator
Succession to the Legend, Doom Cryer
Dwarf - 3rd Class Changes
Succession to the Legend, Fortune Seeker
Succession to the Legend, Maestro