607ОДНГС> Можно тогда узнать, кому принадлежит земля Франца-Иосифа... А заодно острова Нансена и Свердрупа?
(взял из английской вики чтобы избежать предвзятостей заинтересованных сторон)
Franz Josef Land
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Franz Josef Land
Russian: Земля Франца-Иосифа
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The officially recognized discovery took place in 1873 by the Austro-Hungarian North Pole Expedition led by polar explorers Payer and Weyprecht. They named the archipelago in honour of the Austro-Hungarian emperor Franz Joseph I. Since the expedition was only privately sponsored and not official, these islands have never been part of Austria.
In 1926 the islands were taken over by the Soviet Union, and a few persons were settled for research and military purposes.
Nansena Island (Franz Josef Land)
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For other uses, see Nansen Island (disambiguation).
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Nansen Island is an island in Franz Josef Land, Russia.
Sverdrup Islands
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For the island in the Kara Sea called "Sverdrup Island", see Sverdrup Island (Kara Sea).
Sverdrup Islands
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On Nov. 11, 1930, a deal was made between the Norwegian government, the British government (which had just given Norway sovereignty over Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic), the Canadian government, and Sverdrup himself. As a part, the
Norwegian government formally relinquished its claim to the land explored by Sverdrup, and at the same time
Canada paid Sverdrup a lump sum of $67,000, supposedly for his original maps and journals. The real reason, of course, was so
Norway would not challenge Canada's sovereignty in the Arctic archipelego - Canada simply bought the islands back.
Из этого (и многого другого, например Кипра и косоалбании) можно сделать вывод, что при большом желании Шпицберген можно было бы окучить до состояния, когда он перестал бы быть темой новостей.
607ОДНГС> Об Антарктиде подобных решений не принималось. Это "личная" инициатива южных стран, к которой "великие" державы относятся преступно невнимательно...
Это ООН уже одобрило (было на базе со ссылкой и картой), хотя инициатива таки личная. Аналогичная инициатива у России касательно Ломоносова, только со скрипом идёт пока.
прирAстаем шельфом [au#26.04.08 13:21]