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For weapons that use the soft X-ray kill mechanism (e.g. high altitude ABM or space-based interceptors), a radiation case that is transparent to the more energetic X-rays produced by the secondary is desirable. Since the average photon energy during implosion is only 2 KeV or so, and the bulk of the energy emerging from the secondary is carried by photons with energies >>20 KeV, this should not be too hard to arrange. In fact with a lining of sufficiently low Z, the hot photon flux should be capable of completely stripping the nuclei of electrons through photo-ionization, rendering it essentially transparent ("bleaching it").
Gold (Z=79) has been used in at least one weapon design as part of the tamper (or possibly the radiation case) - the W-71 warhead for the Spartan ABM missile. The W-71 used the thermal X-ray flux as its kill mechanism, so it was important for them to escape the weapon with as little hindrance as possible. The choice of gold may have been to tailor the opacity so that the hot X-rays present at the end of the fusion burn could escape without being absorbed. Gold is a good tamper material and has been used in ICF target designs due to its opacity.
4.4 Elements of Thermonuclear Weapon Design
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