IL-62M UK-86933 in Tashkent

DE edge-henning #10.08.2007 11:12


Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I am an airplane-interests and investigate specifically to airplanes, that were in the GDR in the use.
Maybe you can help me. I look for information about a certain airplane. It is an Iljuschin IL-62M of the Government fleet of the GDR. So to speak the Airforce-One of the GDR.
She/it had a painting of the GDR-Airline INTERFLUG. Finally, she/it flew also for the government of the Federal Republic of Germany. She/it was sold to Uzbekistan to approximately 1993.
From 1994, she/it was bought from ALIM Airlines, however she/it was not put into action there. She/it was stopped until before few years in Taschkent. Nevertheless, she/it was already in the painting of Alim Airlines.
She/it should get the registration SU-ZDC there, stood with her/its/their old mark in Tashkent, however,

Further data:
Work number: 37 49 2 2 4
First marks: DDR-SEV,
Marks German air force: 11+20,
Mark Uzbekistan: UK-86933.

Does somebody know whether the airplane still exists in Tashkent?
Does somebody have information about the whereabouts of the machine?

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