Boeing to Open Moscow Training Center

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IL Serge Pod #17.08.2001 09:14

Serge Pod


Boeing to Open Moscow Training Center

Hoping to boost expertise at its Eastern European operations, Boeing Co. and the Russian aerospace company Ilyushin Aviation Complex will open a Moscow-based training center to develop computer skills for engineers, the two companies announced Tuesday.

The center will train Russian aerospace engineers in CATIA, the computer software Boeing uses to design its aircraft, the company said.

The center, which can train up to 50 engineers at a time, also will offer English-language classes.

Engineers will be trained to work at the Moscow-based Boeing Design Center, which does work for the aerospace giant`s commercial airplanes division.

Sergei Kravchenko, Boeing`s vice president for cooperative programs and business development in Russia, said the company also plans a major investment in upgrading technology at the training center.

``We believe that the center soon will become the leader of computer design training in Eastern Europe,`` he said.

Boeing contracts with more than 650 workers in Russia, mostly to work at the Boeing Design Center and the Boeing Technical Research Center.

The Seattle-based aerospace giant began a collaboration with Ilyushin in 1997 to design commercial airplane parts in Russia.

Over the past 10 years, the U.S. aviation company estimates it has invested about $1 billion in the Russian aerospace industry, including work on the international space station, the Sea Launch and other projects.

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