Apr 16, 2012, 2am PDT: Small schematic fix (SD card's SCK & VDD were switched)
Apr 3, 2012, 1am PDT: new source code archive uploaded. Sped up emulator (6.5KHz->10KHz) using FPM mode on RAM & changed icache config, updated porting guide, included kernel image & new smaller ramdisk, new full image
Mar 29, 2012, 7pm PDT: new source code archive uploaded. It has a fixed Makefile and now includes a porting guide to help you port it to other boards/CPUs
It is common to see newbies asking in microcontroller forums if they can run Linux on their puny little 8-bit micro.
// Дальше — dmitry.co
На AVR запускается эмулятор ARM, и уже на нём - Ubuntu
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