Если у вас есть $10 в кармане и у вас нет долгов, то вы богаче, чем 25% американцев
В среднем по США, 35% граждан (каждый третий!) имеют долг категории "debt in collection", по которому можно подключать коллекторов. Обычно это долг, где задержка платежа составляет 180 дней и более.
Это в среднем по США, а в зонах повышенного благополучия, типа Детройта, к этой категории счастливцев относится уже 66% аборигенов (две трети!).
Social Security: 85 percent of people 65 and older get Social Security. The average Social Security income in 2014 was not quite $1,300, according to Smart Asset.
Assets: Sixty three percent of retirees rely on assets for retirement income. According to Retirement USA, the median amount of asset income for households where either the householder or spouse was aged 65 or older was $1,542 for those households who received any asset income. In 2008 59 percent of older households had income from assets.”
Pensions: A mere 32 percent of us have pensions and this number is trending further downward.
Earnings: 23 percent of older Americans have work income. According to the AARP, the median income earned by retirees from work is $25,000 a year. Note, this is the highest amount of any income source.
Public Assistance or Veteran’s Benefits: About 7 percent of retirees are getting help from government sources.
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